
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Land Shark

Anybody remember the original Land Shark skit on Saturday Night Live? Um, I do! It struck my fancy. I couldn't stop laughing. Well, recently in the blog I mentioned Poet Beer, so now it's equal time for Land Shark. Why today? Because of Rob Carney's "Gathering Pages for The Book of Sharks" in his poetry feature up today at Escape Into Life, among other wonderful poems you can see here, with fabulous art by Paul Tremblay. Poet Rob Carney was recommended to me by the wonderful Scott Poole. Thanks!

Why the lightning? Because of last night's thunder-storms and this morning's steady rain, which kept me away from the pool, alas, for lap swimming.

Why a comedy skit? Because Rob Carney is quietly hilarious, whether he's bringing statistics, sex, Gemini girls, or bookstore cats into his also perfectly serious poems. Oh, yes, it's a Poetry Someday for the Hump of the Week in the blog!

1 comment:

  1. It's a terrific poetry post, Kathleen. I enjoyed reading it earlier today. And, as always, perfectly complemented by your choice of artist.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!