
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Magnolia Studies

Lovely weekend, with a full honey moon. Walked many miles in beautiful, breezy weather. Listened to live music, talked with sweet people, visited old homes (restored and/or renovated). I've read a book and pondered various things.

There was silence, too.

I offer this evening two Magnolia Studies by Jonathan Koch. And two poems, in the current issue of Poetry Porch: "Wild Columbine" and "Transported." This is a fascinating issue, and I'm tickled to be in it with Frederick Turner, one of my professors at Kenyon College, who helped revive the Kenyon Review.

I suppose that makes it a Random Coinciday as well as a Poetry Someday in the blog.


  1. I worry about the stranger asleep on the coffee stool, too, and not just because I would fall off... The young men with families networking and making job searches on cell phones at the Subway sandwich shop.

  2. Thank you for reading! And I read The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. What a good one.

  3. I also liked The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden, and The Confabulist.

  4. Girl Who Saved Sweden was out at the library, but I will look for it again. And for The Confabulist!


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