
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Young at Heartland

Imaginary soundtrack: rap song collage of Blanche DuBois saying, "Clothes are my passion" and "Sometimes--there's God--so quickly!" and "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."* Why? Because Friday morning, as I got ready for Early Bird Lap Swim, my husband, from bed, said, "Is your swimsuit see through?"

I denied it, saying it was getting a little thin on the sides, yes, but nowhere important. But, he could see my backside. Really. Please pardon me, Friday morning lap swim pals!

But then....! In the afternoon, I went to the Young at Heartland Showcase, a set of scenes and monologues performed by the 55+ acting troupe that I've been working with as an instructor, along with Sarah Salazar. It was joyous, hilarious, and wonderful! If you are local, you must come see it Wednesday night, June 25, at 7:30, at Heartland Theatre. And be sure to see Fowl Plays, the 10-Minute Play Festival, too, if you haven't already. Fowl Plays runs through June 29, but the YAH Showcase has only one more show in the theatre; otherwise, they tour.

Anyhoo, I received gifts! The perfect journal, Notes of a Dramaturg (that's what I'm doing next at Heartland, for the Mike Dobbins Memorial New Plays from the Heartland one-act play contest, so I will take notes in this journal!), a card saying, "Actors speak louder than words" (true), and a gift card to TJ Maxx, which allowed me to buy a new, non-see-through swimsuit!

Today, even though it is Slattern Day in the blog (and I don't think Blanche DuBois did any dishes), I was not a slattern. I woke early, wrote down an important dream, washed dishes, folded laundry, and then got on my bike to join a small biking group. We met at Uptown Circle (aka the water feature), and I got to watch workers take down a big tent. Why? Today was a whole music festival! Why not leave it up for the bands? Then we rode many miles, even all the way out to see my folks and beyond! And back!

I was the only girl. (This has nothing to do with the swimsuit incident, though one of the bikers is also one of the swimmers.) Many miles. I will probably be a little sore in the morning. When I teach the Early Bird Poetry Class.

*Not that they are strangers anymore! Actors or swimmers! Or bikers!

Figgy paintings by Jonathan Koch. Blanche DuBois by Tennessee Williams.


  1. Oh, Kathleen, I swear those swimsuits are just fine one day, and the next they've gone invisible!

  2. Invisible Swimsuit sounds like a great title for a blog entry! Uh, except for some of the potential audience...!

  3. It could be the name of a folk rock duo...

  4. Young at Heartland was wonderful! Good job!

  5. Thanks, Julie! They are a great bunch of young-at-heart performers! Having lots of fun!


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