
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Harvest Begins

I took a short business trip to Chicago yesterday by train and got to see the beautiful yellows, greens, browns, rust, and lavender of early fall, striping the fields. On the way home, the corn was a day riper, a day crisper, and a slightly different (wheatier) shade of brown, and harvest has begun!

This fantastic corn, grasshopper, and moth art is by Andrea Kowch.

While I was there I discovered a new neighborhood downtown, just east of the Radisson Blu, that has sprung up since I've been gone (since 2000, that is). Gorgeous park, edged with roses, a fenced children's playground in the middle. Fancy wancy condos, organic grocery stores, a nail salon, restaurants, and boutiques encircle the park. Very pretty. If only I were fancy wancy (and rich).

But at least I am alive! (I dared to eat sushi again.) When I got home, I drove a wood splinter into my palm, so maybe I will die of that instead. In other news...


  1. what a nice trip it must have been on the train and to discover a new little town.

    sorry about the splinter thingy. hope you get it out

    have a wonderful day, otherwise.

  2. Thanks, Marcoantonio. The splinter will probably work itself out, fear not!

  3. Kathleen, I have before me "Gorgeous Nothings", and though I am not a Dickinson scholar the envelopes are indeed 3D poetry art.

  4. Put some sodium bicarb on the splinter wound. Apparently it helps bring it out.

    Love the paintings.


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