
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fear Nothing

Fear nothing! Not even a photoshopped flower. Oh, I hope it is real. I have white bleeding hearts in my garden and would love to have some black ones!

Beautiful day in the cemetery today! Sunshine! Leaves! Acorns!

In poetry news, here is a review of Fear Nothing of the Future or the Past, by Angie Macri, newly posted at Escape Into Life.

And here's a new theatre review, by Scott Klavan, of The Killing of Sister George. I've never seen it. (And the dolls do scare me.)


  1. Sadly, the comments at Natural Garden, where it came from, suggest it is photoshopped...but we can HOPE! Someone might certainly develop such a beautiful thing, though so far I've not found seeds for it available online.

  2. I remember reading Thomas Costain's book, "The Black Rose" for leisure pleasure when I was about thirteen. Ever since I've been intrigued by black flowers like Queen of the Night tulips. I hope your bleeding heart is real, but it looks live an inverted photo.

  3. I "fear" you are right about the probably-altered photo.


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