
Friday, November 7, 2014

Iron Women

The Fate issue of Granta arrived, hitting the spot. I've been a bit sad--hence, it's a Blue Monday on what is actually Friday. A hometown girl died this week, at her new hometown in Massachusetts, and I'm sad for her family. And we had a local murder, the mother of some of the sweet volleyball girls my husband has coached. I grieve for them and remain troubled and shocked.

But good things have tumbled right out, too, as usual. Last night we saw the local high school volleyball team, Lady Iron at NCHS, win their sectional. They move on to a super-sectional Saturday and then, we hope, state!

 Right after the game, still in orange and black spirit clothes, I went to see Falling, an autobiographical play by Deanna Jent, at Heartland Theatre--beautiful performances by all. Karen Hazen plays Tami, the iron woman of that family, holding up under the relentless stress of being the mother of a severely autistic son with violent tendencies. Intense, with spots of needed humor and remarkable beauty. You'll like the feathers!

And there was such joy! My sister and my brother and his wife came to town on the Halloween weekend! My son and daughter and my nephew and his fiance joined the fun with my parents. Sort of a Hallowurkey gathering, as I like to call it! The weather was so nice on Monday, some of us walked the Constitution Trail. And I've still been raking, raking, raking...

For beauty and strength via poetry and art, take a look at this EIL feature: Kelly Cressio-Moeller paired with Meghan Howland. You'll like the feathers there, too. And thanks to Natural Garden for the blue poppy, white dogwood, and green hellebore.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the sad and even tragic deaths. But I am happy to see the wonderful collection of flowers. The green ones caught my eye particularly.

  2. lo siento, for the tragedy of such sadness your community has recently had to endure. soy feliz, for your gathering of family and am always delighted by your sharing with us your experiences in the arts let alone your creative writings.

    gracias and i hope you enjoy your weekend days in a fulfilling way

  3. And thank you, dear, for "Hallowurkey".


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