
Saturday, December 6, 2014

All Over Creation

"Can you drop everything?" said my husband, appearing in the doorway of my office at home. He was wearing a headlamp.

Things are marvelously random at my house.

He had got the car going, my car, the one that has been sitting in the garage for two months, hood up. Not going.

I dropped everything (my hands from the keyboard) and grabbed other things (purse, phone) and drove my blue car through the rain and vague fog, my husband following in his red car, to Davis Tire & Auto, where it will sit a bit longer before they can get to it and fix it, we hope. It's probably the ignition. We have figured this out after two months of fiddling and diagnosis, in the form of conversations with car people, Internet research, and a Chilton book from the library. Don't tell me it's the battery or the alternator. It isn't. Anyhoo, I am glad!! All I want for Christmas is my car fixed. And, OK, a new oven/gas stove. I don't need a dishwasher.

Now I am reading All Over Creation, by Ruth Ozeki, which, as you can see, is about potatoes. And a bunch of other things. Actually I am reading the edition with seedlings on the cover. I love Ruth Ozeki. Thank you, Kim Tingley, for recommending her book My Year of Meats, which put me off meat in general and red meat in particular and onto Ruth Ozeki. I miss hamburgers. But I do love the occasional bit of free range ground beef we get from relatives in Missouri.

I love potatoes.


  1. I also love potatoes, and have been vegetarian since I was nine.

  2. Emily! Hello again. I will be mostly vegetarian soon...

  3. Adrian McKinty tells us that there is a very absorbing and funny section on growing potatoes in Andy Weir's novel The Martian.

    I had potatoes today, but they were in the form of French fries that accompanied a burger. Maybe reading My Year of Meats would make me a vegetarian, but there are many things that have along already that should have, and so far, have not.

  4. I'm with Seana on vegetarianism. Will check for Ozeki at the library. Good news about the car.

  5. Her newest book. a Tale for the Time Being. Is her best yet. Very different from the other 2. You'll love it. Nonlinear time etc

  6. Thanks, and hello, dears. Kim, I did love that book and its nonlinear time--returned it to the library to get the potato book. Now I am far enough into that to be worried about my potatoes. genetic engineering.

    Re: car repair. No good news goes unbalanced. Daughter's boyfriend's brakes are bad....


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