
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

In a Nutshell

In a nutshell, I cannot afford this singular painting by Jonathan Koch, Walnut, nor the gorgeous apple paintings of the previous post, but maybe you can! (It's OK! Buy it! I am happy for you!!) I am reading The Blue Flower, by Penelope Fitzgerald, with my mouth ajar in amazement and delight, perhaps subliminally wishing for walnuts.Various small nutcrackers adorn the room in a holiday fashion. The Blue Flower is about the philosopher-poet eventually known as Novalis. I love it. Reading it, I was reminded that "diligence" is a stagecoach, not just my own painstaking effort..., presumably because it is a persevering if slow-moving apparatus of travel. At Escape Into Life today, we announced the Pushcart Prize nominees, and I wish them all well! I am nominated this year, too, by two fine journals, so I know it is an exciting honor. Diligently tallying my submissions, et cetera, I noticed, before I lost count of things in general, that I've been nominated seven times before, as well, but not yet included in the Pushcart Prize anthology, so I'll end in a large slow-moving stagecoach of hope.


  1. The Blue Flower is one of my favorite books ever.

    Best of luck on the Pushcarts. I was nominated a couple of times for short stories in this realm, and while I did not win the elusive prize of being printed in their anthology, it was still very encouraging. So congratulations in any case!

  2. Diligence is a stagecoach, but what about John Wayne?

  3. Thanks, dear hearts. Wouldn't it be fun to take a stagecoach ride together?

  4. I have read all of PF's novels, and they are wonderful. There was a Joan Acocella article about her in the NYer several years ago that was like a graduate seminar...the best kind, that is...and got me hooked. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of her new biography.


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