
Sunday, February 1, 2015

In Delirium Influenza

Many thanks to actor and classical scholar Mark Gerard de Veer for the title of today's blog post and my recent state of mind! Many thanks to EIL artist Victor Rodriguez for the panting, which also seems to get at it. His work is found at his solo feature, here, and with the poetry of Katherine Riegel, here. I'm feeling much better, as is my husband, but, thanks to delirium insnowenza, we are all staying put today, enjoying a visit from our son, who has to brave the roads later to make it back to Chicago for a big presentation tomorrow (although, who knows, Chicago might be closed tomorrow!). We hope you all stocked up on your blizzard/Superbowl supplies and can also stay put as long as possible. Try not to get mad at the snow. To help with that, here are some gorgeous up-close pictures of snowflakes by Skye Sadowski-Malcom!

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