
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine With a Twist

It's been a wonderful Valentine's weekend! My husband's volleyball girls won their intercity tournament! We had (private!) champagne! He took our son to the Chicago Auto Show, an annual tradition, and I took our daughter out to breakfast! I got to meet with some women writers to read stories and poems of love, young love, and/or heartbreak. (Also with wine!)

And I came home to find 2 of my poems in Flyway! I guess my "Hawk on the Fence" poem is sort of a sad valentine, or anti-valentine, or valentine with a twist, but be sure to read the contributor's note. Despite the pink in "Japonica," nothing's really blooming outside yet here...but it will, it will.

The next love-poem feature, "Love, Itself," went up at EIL, with fabulous art by Jesse McCloskey, including The Lovers, with green love climbing in the window, and Magic Horse, reminding me of Pegasus, the winged horse of poetry!

Has anybody invented the Valentini! Or did I? Oh, yes, it exists. In several variations. But without a twist....


  1. Ooh, I love the hawk poem, Kathleen! Will put a link on my "other" blog.

  2. Wow, thanks! I'm so glad you like it!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!