
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day, celebrated in the early days as a Day Without Art, since so many artists suffered and died from AIDS. So much has changed, and there's so much still to do. This year's theme is baking, with the slogan, "Spread icing not ignorance." You can find out about that, get a red ribbon, and donate here, and you can combat ignorance with information here, as well, at the World Health Organization website. It's also Giving Tuesday, and I see lots of fine giving going on all around.

This December 1, I am changing the calendar pages to find frost on dahlias on my Easter Seals flower calendar in my office and redbirds and snowpeople on the Boys Town calendar on the kitchen door to the garage, where everything happens. I am pausing to remember friends lost to AIDS and pausing to be grateful for the progress in research and treatment. And maybe I'll do some commemorative baking. (If only I could bake like the bakers at


  1. "Commemorative baking" makes me happy. It's been nearly twenty years since I lost my dear collaborator/friend to AIDS. I still feel an occasional push from him to take my art into a different setting, or to take the challenge of sitting in the light booth and blowing the train whistle. Tonight I will make soup, which is close enough to baking for me, and remember Laith directing "Music Man".

  2. Oh, that's a lovely idea! Soup for Laith, the music man.


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