
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bluebird of Happiness

This morning I saw the bluebird of happiness in my own backyard! Actually, three of them. Actually, they might have been the Brewer's blackbird, as seen here. They were small, dark blue, shiny, and feeding along the ground. Two were at either end of a shared dandelion stem, like Lady and the Tramp in Lady and the Tramp, having spaghetti. Then the third arrived, and, just as I got my husband to join me at the window, they flew away. Sometimes, that's life.

Or perhaps it was this guy. By Edward Lear.


  1. That drawing looks like a parrot.

  2. I think it's Disney I have to blame for thinking that bluebirds were a lighter blue...

  3. Emily, yes, and the birds I saw were much smaller than parrots I've seen. More like finches, but blue finches. Seana, indeed, the bluebirds in bird info sites are brighter and lighter blue than the ones I saw, which had a mix of deep royal blue and black. They flew a bit like hummingbirds--or goldfinches--above the grass before flying off like regular songbirds....

  4. Try indigo bunting

  5. Thanks! It might have been that, indeed!


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