
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Math Challenged

I often joke that I am "math challenged,"...because I am. Now I am delighted to read and to be in the new issue of Snakeskin, an online poetry magazine in the United Kingdom. It is the Maths and Numbers issue, guest edited by Jessy Randall, poet and librarian.

Jessy also maintains Library Shenanigans, all about...library shenanigans! And she writes poetry comics as well as poems!

My poem, "We Matter," is about math, science, sociology, and counting.

Speaking about libraries, yesterday I participated in an online class on Librarians vs Fake News. You can, too, here at Gail Borden Library. I live streamed the panel discussion and Q&A, but you can still watch it there on YouTube and also see a great list of fact-checking sources.

Speaking of maths and numbers, yay for Hidden Figures at the SAG Awards!


  1. We do matter and scientists and experts matter and I will watch the fake news webinar tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Collagamama! I hope you enjoy the webinar. In it, I learned that the professor who posted an earlier list (pdf) of fake, partisan, and real news sites had to take the info down due to threats and harassment. Hired trolls and thugs, no doubt. Sigh....


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!