
Sunday, November 12, 2017

I Dunno

I am reading Idaho, by Emily Ruskovich, and my heart keeps clenching and cracking open. I am reading a large print edition, as that's all the library had, and it's a good read. I await my new trifocals from the eye doctor. Sigh....

Meanwhile, good poetry news: Poetry East took 4 poems for the spring, and Red Bird Chapbooks accepted Spiritual Midwifery, a book of poems somehow about the birth of humans and the birth of the spirit, several in response to religious paintings. I'm very pleased because Red Bird published an earlier chapbook of mine, ABCs of Women's Work, and this press is so impressive and easy to work with. I admire the work of the editors and the work of their poets!

Plus. I feel deeply calm (despite the crud going on in our country). Perhaps it is because I resumed A.M. Yoga by Rodney Yee, at any time of day I'm free. Perhaps it is because there is early morning light again for a while, anyway, even as we approach the dark of winter.... I dunno.


  1. Hearty congratulations, Kathleen. Will look forward to reading the new book from Red Bird.

  2. Idaho is definitely heart-clenching.

  3. Poetry East! Yay and congrats. Congrats on the chapbook, too, of course.

  4. Thank you, Matthew! You know I love Poetry East!

  5. Congrats on the new chapbook! Can't wait to read it! And I love Redbird Chapbooks--their books are so beautifully made.


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