
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love & Grief

Happy Valentine's Day. As poetry editor at Escape Into Life, I celebrated with the annual mini-anthology of (often unusual) love poems. This year it is called Parted from Love. Poems by Karrie Waarala, about a busted marriage; Michael Meyerhofer, about a cleaving; Kristin LaTour, about a seafaring lover; and Jennifer Finstrom, about a divorce (a darn good one). With art by Eric Finzi.

Then my heart broke again at the news of another school shooting, this time in Parkland, Florida. My broken heart goes out to all in woe, fear, and grief today.


  1. A week later and our hearts still break.

  2. The best & the worst comes from the USA, but it's difficult for us outsiders to fathom this gun thing. We get the grief, but not the groundhog day mentality.
    Very sad, but then if nothing was done after Sandy Hook........

  3. Thank you both for your comments. Ian, I don't get it either. But I have to hope things are changing now...


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