
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Sealey Challenge, Day One

It's August 1st, and thus Day One of the Sealey Challenge to read a poetry book a day in August. Thanks to Sarah J. Sloat for alerting me to this fun dare. Not sure if I can keep it up, but I'll try. I will be re-reading some books, joining some in progress, and reviewing some for Escape Into Life, as in today's pick: Kissing the Long Face of the Greyhound, by Yvonne Zipter, just out from Terrapin Books. Here's my review at EIL. And here's my stack of books, which may 1) change 2) fall over.

See that black shelf unit my stack is temporarily sitting on? That arrived today, used, rescued from a house my husband is fixing up. Today I had planned to go out and hang doorhangers for a local candidate, a no contact distribution of campaign literature; I don't knock or ring the doorbell, and the doorhangers have an ingenious slit in them which means I can slide them onto almost any doorknob without actually touching it! But it clouded up just as I was about to head out, and my phone told me it was going to rain. So I stayed in. And did the thing I had been avoiding: cleaned up my office! So, once again, even though it is Slattern Day in the blog, I was accidentally not a slattern.

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