
Monday, August 10, 2020

The Poetry of Strangers + Delicate Thefts

Brian Sonia-Wallace was a writer-in-residence for Amtrak and the Mall of America and has his own small business called RENT Poet, and, you guessed it, he writes poetry for strangers on a typewriter! His book, The Poetry of Strangers: What I Learned Traveling America With a Typewriter (Harper Perennial, 2020) was, I have to say it, a great ride. It's got lots of poems in it, including translations, so I was going to count it toward the #SealeyChallenge, but I also read another Debra Kaufman book, Delicate Thefts (Jacar Press, 2015), and there are tiny stolen things in both books, both concrete and abstract.

Like me, Brian is an actor, too. Unlike me, he approaches his poetry writing, as well as his reading aloud, as performance. Like me, he connects poetry with attention and listening.* He actually composes poems after listening to his customers' stories, writing the poems they need. Vending his poems across the country, he has worked with all kinds of interesting performers, including clowns and witches, and has appeared at big corporate events, malls, music festival, and, interestingly, a detention center to document (in poems) the undocumented.

*Debra Kaufman dedicates Delicate Thefts "to listeners everywhere." I sense she's done her share of the kind of listening that results in poems, too. In "The Receiver" she's listening at a bar: "When I...look straight / into a stranger's eyes, / always he will tell me his story."

Brian Sonia-Wallace experiences that intimacy, too, in talking to strangers. They will tell the deepest things. Back to Kaufman's poem: "Two drinks in I have taken / the gift of his loneliness." Here, the loneliness was a gift, not a theft, but the stolen things in Kaufman's book include a locket, a wallet, stolen innocence, pride, self-image. All, yes, with a delicate touch.

Stolen lives. In "At Duke Gardens, After Another School Shooting," there is nothing to do but seek solace, remembrance, and "peonies you can wash your face in." In "Trying to Find a Way," sometimes the heart is too full, with "no room for another's story." 

And sometimes it's "A Perfect Day to Hang Out Laundry" and let a memory waft in as a comfort:

     His first day at kindergarten
     Danny said, My shirt smells like wind.

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