
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sealey Challenge Accomplished!

What a joy it was to read 31+ books for the Sealey Challenge in August! I feel grateful to have engaged with so many poems and poets, mostly reading outdoors, sometimes curled on the couch. Here is a picture of my stack of books. Not all the spines show, but 1) you get the idea and 2) you saw all the covers here, if you were following along.

Let me know if you'd like me to send you a little bundle of poetry books or chapbooks for next year. Send me an email (email address given on the Contact page above) with your name and address, and I'll put something in the mail for you at some point. We have a whole year! 

It might not be something from this stack, as I've formed connections with some of these, but don't worry, I have other stacks, last year's stack for instance (same picnic table, different stack!), stacks on the coffee table, on the stairs, plus baskets and shelves full of books...  Sigh... 

Another one came yesterday, Took House, by Lauren Camp, and I'll discuss that at Escape Into Life, along with other books by EIL poets that have waited patiently in yet another stack, inside a dresser drawer on the floor of my office. Creative organizational technique, sturdy out-of-the-box "box." And I picked up another in the ongoing library sale, The Clerk's Tale, by Spencer Reece, today. It's almost like an addiction.

Speaking of Escape Into Life, the Labor Day 2021 feature is up today, with poems that have work/labor in them. Go see!

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