
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Wild Columbine

My wild columbine is all abloom! And the lily of the valley has begun. It is in various stages, depending on the part of the yard it's in, so I hope there is still some of it blooming for my daughter's wedding on May 28! Likewise, the white anemone, just now showing its buds. The wild columbine is all that salmon and yellow color. I also have some dark purple columbine blooming in a side yard, and more columbine on the way, plus the large yellow columbine that will bloom later. Waiting for the blue spiderwort now...

Busy times in my body and brain. Attended the funeral of a young co-worker yesterday. Heartbreaking. I loved learning about, and hearing, the country music songs she loved. 

In the afternoon, I helped to pot tree seedlings to be planted in the fall. Part of a big tree-planting surge: 11,000 seedlings (stick stage) were planted this spring. These that have budded and begun to leaf need to wait for the fall. Hot, fun work, in good company, outdoors.

Then, there was a Zoom discussion of Book VII of Paradise Lost with an international bunch of people--mostly Chicago and Canada, but some were actually in Portugal for earlier Books, and some were walking El Camino in Spain while we were between Books. Here is a yellow lightbulb bee guarding the columbine, like 1) Rafael warning Adam not to disobey or 2) an angelic guard at the gate of Eden, alas.

Working on scripts with deadlines and wedding details with meetings with vendors, parking signs, et cetera. Need to take my mother shopping for a dress, but also need to keep track of various medical details for both parents. This morning I need to go get and then put up posters for the summer 10-minute play festival at Heartland Theatre, where both my parents used to act and volunteer (board, committee). Duty + nostalgia.

Last night, cool and pleasant respite at the Next to Normal Story Slam, resumed after 2 years gone in the pandemic. I got to listen to stories of luck, good and bad, on Friday the 13th in an art gallery! And here is a blurry red bee hovering over the blurry blossoms!

1 comment:

  1. And, of course, coincidentally I found a beautiful photo greeting card of a wild columbine, taken by Mary Jo Adams, today at Ryburn Place! On Pine Street in Normal, off Old Route 66!


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