
Thursday, June 16, 2022

Down Time

It appears I've taken some "down time" from the blog, but I realize writing blog entries was often a kind of "down time" from other things I was doing! I guess I got a little too busy over the last month, getting my daughter married (yay! in my parents' back yard, at an arbor built by my husband, with bridal and bridesmaids' bouquets made by me!) and taking care of my parents' various health issues. Sigh... 

But all is well, and, as usual, I have been reading, my other kind of down time. I read This Time for Me, a memoir by Alexandra Billings, a performer I had seen in Chicago. You may know her from the series Transparent. What an interesting woman! And, in the Random Coincidays of my life, I read a time travel novel, This Time Tomorrow, by Emma Straub, that was sort of a cross between Groundhog Day and About Time.

I read a book of poems, book of short stories, and finally finished a novel that had sat on my coffee table with a bookmark halfway through it for maybe...a year? It was finally the right time to finish it. But my favorite reading lately has been The Book of Eels, nonfiction about...yes, eels. Fascinating creatures, about which we finally know a few things, but which remain mysterious. They are all born in the Sargasso Sea and then swim/drift elsewhere.

I have also been writing--a variety of things, including a script I got to see performed last night at the History Makers Gala, honoring 4 wonderful people in our community! My poetry feels on standby, but I do remember writing some, sending some out,* and storing some in the weird, dusty drawers of my mind. Sometimes, when I am waiting for something to come out**, everything feels on hold for a while. I just checked the mail. It isn't here yet, but it's still very, very hot out there. The poor mail carrier! And I do fondly remember Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys, included on this Random Coinciday, you know why!

*so far, only rejections...but nice ones!

**something not rejected!

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