
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Food at Work

I am not going to blame the food at work for the extra pounds I have acquired this particular winter. Nor the prolonged winter, the coldish winterlike spring, relieved by a week of summer in the middle of April. I am only going to blame ME, for eating all the Jelly Bellies, plus some chocolate, around Easter, and lots of yummy food at work during National Library Week and at the library in general, where we are loved and receive many treats. And wine drinking on my own, when family visited recently for the opening of an art exhibit by my hubby!! It's been a good and busy and hectic month. And it's no longer that month. April. Now, somehow, it is May!! The sun was shining today, the sky was blue, but the chill was still in the air. Tomorrow, perhaps, I can resume walking to work, that is, walking off the jelly beans.

I did write a poem a day in April, plus a tiny poem a day on my black chalkboard. Plus some Lenten writing, that was often a poem, during Lent. I guess I am still writing the chalkboard poems on into May, thanks to people wanting them! And a poem, "Slippage," came out in Quartet, an online journal I have been admiring for a long time! Click here to see the fabulous cover art and here to see the current issue, with poems, interview, book review, etc.! April also held Poetry Sunday at my church, where people get up and read favorite poems aloud and say why they love them!And now it's May, it's May, the lusty month of May!

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