
Friday, October 15, 2010

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

Day 249 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and my dad, too, is reading Saving Jesus from the Church, by Robin Meyers, mentioned at least 4 other times in this blog, because my mom and lots of other people in town are reading it in preparation for the author's arrival in town later this month for a lecture and workshop.

"There are two copies of it in this house, if you want to read it," said my dad.  "But borrow your mom's copy, because I've got two chapters to go."  Nonetheless, he already knows he will take issue with Meyers on at least one main thrust of the book.  "There's a lot I like," he says, "but there's one thing I disagree with."

That's my dad.

"I still have some questions to answer," said my mom.  She's in a class on the book, and the conscientious teacher always has a handout or questionnaire.  A conscientious retired teacher herself, my mom always does the homework!

Dad's in a class on the book, too, but it meets at lunchtime, and they never discuss the book.

Sometimes--there's childhood--so quickly!*

Lyrics of a Sunday school song return:  For the Bible tells me so.

*I always knew I was meant to play Blanche Dubois.  (Study Guide, scene six, Streetcar Named Desire.)


  1. you've got me curious about this book. i've read some of john shelby spong's this book comparable?

  2. I think so, yes, Nancy. I've read Spong, too. My dad compared Meyers to Dominic Crossen and Marcus Borg, who also came to town via this church. New Covenant Community in Normal, Illinois, a TCPC recommended church. There will be info at the NCC website, and you can also click on Reflecting Pool in the blogroll for a general sense of things, weekly, at NCC.

  3. I have read Spong, Crossan, Borg and now Meyers. Nancy, yes it's comparable in the theological approach but Meyers challenged me more in this book to go beyond what I know or believe to examine how I apply that. He should be an interesting speaker!

  4. I noticed Krista Tippett's show On Being on NPR is pretty timely this week. Titled something like Restoring Political Civility: An Evangelical View.

  5. I've read the past several days, keeping up with my daughter as time allows. Your blogs provide a fun read. Who has time to read books now that blogs are so all-consuming? Recently I read the play "Sirens," which started out kinds ordinary but got better and better. Now, I'm about to start another play, "The Book of Esther." Sounds biblical, doesn't it?

  6. Will there be time to add to your blog today? The last few days have made for fun reading, so much so that I have no time to read great literature. I like the new play "Sirens." Did start out to capture my interest, but I warmed to it. Am now going to close and begin "The Book of Esther," not the Biblical one. This, too, is a play.

  7. Dear Anonymous (who might be my mom),

    It appears I published both of your comments! A comment goes into my email, and I post it from there, after review, to avoid spam and people who are just promoting their own blogs or poems. Sigh....


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!