
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pearls Before Canine

Day 248 of the "What are you reading, and why?" project, and Ariel is reading a collection of short stories by Carol Shields because "I have a short attention span and short stories are good for me."

I told her how much I liked Carol Shields and then pointed out that Ariel has an Uncorrected Proofs copy, truly the book in its first state! "Hang on to this," I said.

It might become valuable, and, because of the possible typos, it might hold Ariel's attention for more reasons than excellent writing.  It's fun to find the little errors!  She said she would share the book with her friend who is majoring in publishing, which must be a new emphasis in the English or Communications degree. Hmmm!

Ariel picked up three other books, novels, and says she'll be back (to Babbitt's) the next time she gets paid.

Another college student, or graduate student, walked out with Brooklyn Follies, by Paul Auster, and another with The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway.  The latter will be doing his student teaching soon in a troubled school system in his hometown of Rockford, Illinois, and then hopes to teach overseas for a while, to keep gaining in life and teaching experience.  I have to say it's a thrill to talk to the these young men and women who love to read and hope to teach.

And a couple with a Jack Russell terrier on a leash spent quite a bit of time in the store and walked out with a huge stack of fine books!  The dog, the runt of the litter, according to her mistress, was very well behaved, wore a pearl collar, and knew when she needed to go out.

Babbitt's is a dog-loving store, and Jackson the dog used to live there.  But, sadly, not any more.

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