
Friday, April 15, 2011

Into the Wind

I'm headed into the woods this weekend, or off to the convent, however it works out, based on the weather.

Right now it is terribly windy and pretty gray and in the 40s again, so we might not have our usual sunny walks lakeside and in the nature preserve to see the bluebells, mayapples, and mating snakes.

This is my annual church women's retreat, where we 1) drink wine 2) think deep philosophical and spiritual thoughts and 3) sometimes dance wildly but 4) not naked in the woods.  And that's all I'm going to say about it, because "what happens at the retreat stays at the retreat."

Except to say that this year's theme is "nurturing ourselves" and we will have the chance to watch Eat, Pray, Love, and, yes, I loved the book (read it at the perfect time) and will probably enjoy the movie even though my beloved friend Kristi thinks Julia Roberts is "feral."

I am looking forward to the pizza. I hope the pizza made it into the movie. (Is it possible the pizza could be made with drunken goat cheese?!)

Now to follow up on yesterday:

First, here is the Etsy site for Dan-Ah Kim! This is where Julie, who commented yesterday, got a print of "Seek Me," the Red Riding Hood one, and where you can get any one you want! Yay!

Next, here is Sandy Longhorn's blog entry on her EIL feature, and you'll see you can sign up at her blog for the Big Poetry Giveaway, too, and maybe win Blood Almanac, her book!

And, because I love the third-party submission option and overall generosity of Nic Sebastian at Whale Sound, I'd also like to let you know how you can let me know of poets I can scout for Escape Into Life!

If you know of a poet living anywhere in the world who writes in English and who seems perfect for Escape Into Life, you can let me know, now that we have email, at kathleen(at)escapeintolife(dot)com. Please look at several of the poetry features, and see if your favorite poet might work out there.  Then send me an email with some links to your poet online and contact info, and I will try to check it out in a timely manner. As with many poetry editor gigs, this is a volunteer job, so I have to fit it into my wacky life.

Know that I am also reading books and journals, and looking for poets in print, too, but as Escape Into Life is an online adventure, the editors want readers to be able to find their contributors somewhere on the web, too.

See Nic's description of a "web-active poet" here, and also know that I can feature less "web-active" writers, too, sort of helping them have a web presence, hoping that there's at least a blog, a press with a website, or a few online publications for EIL readers to seek out on their own.

And while you are at Whale Sound, read and listen to the wonderful poems there!!


And finally, because I am retreating, here are the next few poem-a-day prompts:

April 15: your take on taxation this year
April 16: being quiet
April 17: field trip, free choice, maybe a ghazal


  1. the retreat sounds terrific. i looking forward to hearing about the movie version of "Eat, Pray, Love." it's in my instant queue waiting.

  2. Have a great weekend, Kathleen.

  3. Since I work at a book store, I got a free ticket to see Elizabeth Gilbert speak when she came to town. She is funnn-neeee! I couldn't believe a writer would get many people out, but she packed the main hall of Overture Center (Madison's Official Culture Behemoth.)

    Enjoy the church lady retreat! Sounds a lot like a witch's sabbath to me, except we'd take off our clothes. Not in this weather, however.

  4. Your beloved friend Susan thinks Julia Roberts is FABULOUS! And lovely. Yes to the pizza, and lots of other beautiful eating in Italy.

  5. Cathy, I can believe Elizabeth Gilbert would pack the halls, and I have a feeling pagans would be most welcome at our women's retreat!

    Met two Madison ladies last Sunday, by the way!!

  6. Wow, that retreat sounds amazing. Hope the weather turns.

    Thanks, again, for the link and the support! I'm going to start thinking up poets to recommend to you. :)

  7. Oh, my goodness - my friend Rachel just mistyped "into the winds" when she meant to type "into the woods" yesterday in an email. What a weird coincidence - you are starting to scare me with your psychic poetess powers!

  8. Kristi (the beloved)April 16, 2011 at 11:18 AM

    Yes, SHE's feral, but I admit I'm thinking of seeing the movie because I loved the book and LOVE Javier Bardem (he's delicious!).
    Have a fabulous time in the woods (stick your face in some bluebells for me), drinking wine, thinking spiritual/philosophical thoughts, dancing wild!
    P.S. I just discovered Etsy over spring break and will definitely be visiting often!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!