
Sunday, April 17, 2011


Other than the tornado sirens and hellish hail, the women's retreat this weekend was sweet!!

As I recall, all I did was eat, sleep, talk, read, write, and eat. Did I mention the eating? Did I mention the fried chicken?

Seems like I forgot something. Oh, drink! There was wine! And wild laughter!

So, although it is not at all Tuesday, it is Fat Tuesday in the blog. Surely I will still be fat on Tuesday.

I enjoyed the movie Eat, Pray, Love, which had plenty of food in it, including the pizza in Naples, and Javier Bardem is delicious. Richard Jenkins (Richard from Texas) is appropriately bittersweet. Don't worry, I'm not going to keep mentioning the tasty men.

When I got home, I had a poem acceptance from Sweet! What could be sweeter?

P.S.  If you want this sweet button, you can get it at Zazzle.


  1. Congrats. You've been on a roll with all these accepted submissions.

    Have read the book but have not seen the movie. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.

  2. Congrats on what sounds like a great weekend and on your acceptance. Sweet is a great journal - and they obviously had the good taste to accept your work!

  3. Ha! Funny, Donna! And thank you.

  4. Congrats on your acceptance! Your weekend sounds wonderful :)

  5. Thanks! Yes! Wild laughter, wild weather, wild women, and wine + food. Excellent weekend.

  6. I guess the sweet button is a magnet. But if I put it on my fridge and push it as if it were a button, it might transform the contents of the refrigerator into all sweets. Right?

  7. So glad you had a restorative weekend! Congrats, congrats, congrats on the acceptance. As the kids used to say, "Sweet!"

  8. Thanks, Sandy. And the journal Sweet means it in the "Awesome!" as well as the "Yummy!" way.


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