
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Farmers Market

I was not exactly a slattern on this Slattern Day in the blog, rising early and heading off to the Farmers Market with my mom. I got a celandine poppy to plant in the tree-shaded area of the front yard, hoping it will thrive and spread, and I have an under-a-tree spot for one in the back, too, once the seedpods mature. Must remember to wear gloves as celandine can stain like nicotine.

Also got some organic green onions and green onion cheese for the Memorial Day weekend, and a poppy for the veterans.

Reading: Unless by Carol Shields. At the perfect time.

Baked a vegan banana bread!


  1. No worries, Kathleen, I have embraced the Slattern Day for you. I slept until 8:15 (unheard of), took a shower, played with the cats, poked around the internet, and am now contemplating a nap. :)

  2. Thank goodness, Sandy, that someone will do it!!

  3. I was up at 8:15 (unheard of) so we could go buy paint, rent a "knee-walker" for after my foot surgery, and get stuff for Memorial Day at the groc. I wish I'd thought of the Farmers' Market. *love*

    I need to be more slatternly the rest of the day to make up for it.

  4. My verification word for the last post was "whiliz" and now I *really* want to make that a word. Maybe if I put it in the Urban Dictionary and make up a definition, I can get a groundswell of approval for "whiliz."

  5. By all means, "whiliz" should be a word, and you are the perfect example of a "whiliz kid," Julie.

  6. I love Carol Shields! One of my favorite novelists. I wish she had lived longer.

  7. I loved The Stone Diaries, and I am loving this! Thanks for dropping in, Drew!


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