
Friday, May 27, 2011

The Heat is On

Imaginary playlist:

"The Heat is On" recorded by Glenn Frey

(because the heat is on)

"Kaleidoscope Heart" by Sara Bareilles

(just because)

Yes, the heat is on in our house, because 1) we did not turn off the furnace for the season 2) we recently replaced the thermostat, and it is working fine, and 3) it is cold outside.  But the prediction is for a clearing off by Sunday, so we hope for a fine family wamily get together on Monday, Memorial Day.

And some baking in the meantime, and preparation of fruit salad.

Baking will warm up the house, too.  And to warm you up on the inside, go see the new poetry feature up at Escape Into Life:  Jessy Randall! Wonderful warm, short, love poems, some funny, in a natural voice & style + fabulous artwork by Anka Zuravleva.

Jessy Randall is a fiction writer, too, so click those Amazon links to learn more about that!  And a librarian!


  1. Thought of all my friends & family up there last night when watching the Cubs game. The fans were dressed for a Bears game instead. Brrrrrrrrr. Here's to warm days ahead!

  2. Love Randall's poetry. And the images are a perfect complement.

    Have a splendid weekend.

  3. Happy weekend to you two, too!

    I said tutu!

  4. I turned the heat on, as well. Bigelow and I were cold, while Scott was away at track, where I'm sure it was colder than here.

    And I am baking beans, not pies, as well as making potato salad. I love the picnicky foods of Memorial Day and Labor Day and 4th of July!

    I shall hie myself over to the Red Oak place for pies, though. Theirs are wayyyyy better than mine. Although the chill being on makes me think I *should* bake a pie. Say aye tae a pie!


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