
Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sometimes I am so still in the yard, reading, or looking up from reading or writing to think, that the rabbits feed quietly beside me, inches from my feet in the grass.

To watch a rabbit eat a tiny ripe wild strawberry from the lawn is a quiet joy.

But to watch a rabbit eat the just-bloomed yellow heads of the coreopsis in my flower bed is not so pleasant, and I had to speak to that fellow.

He was just pruning, I know. They will come back.

Meanwhile, pinks and sweet william are open or opening in their pink and pinwheel variations. Red grape spiderwort continues. Daisies are soon to burst. And the orange day lilies are taller than ever, also soon to open.

Sometimes they wait till the actual first day of summer to bloom.


  1. Lovely image. I guess I shouldn't plant coreopsis; we have a large family of rabbits here.

  2. Are you bursting into, "Oh What a Beautiful Morning"? Thanks for the visualization.

  3. Maureen, just plant a LOT of them!

    I am now, Collagemama. And it's stuck in my head for the day!

  4. Carol James JacksonJune 12, 2011 at 6:46 PM

    You are so beautiful Kathy. Were you writing poems at Fairview school sitting next to Stevie Doran?

  5. Oh, my! I wish I could remember if I was, Carol!

  6. By coincidence, the first day lily in my yard actually opened TODAY!

  7. I would love to see rabbits in the yard, eat what they will.

    But then, I'm neither a farmer or a gardener. For now, I will make do with squirrels.

  8. It is a thrill, Seana. I remember wanting to see rabbits up close when I was a child. Now, here they are! Sometimes I feel like Sleeping Beauty in the woods, Disney version, all the animals coming round....

  9. Mina, the cat, sits in the garden and contemplates the fate of bunnies who are too bold.

  10. Perhaps Mina would come over and contemplate my bunnies some afternoon. Hmm, isn't Mina the name of a vampire woman in the theatrical adaptation of Dracula...?!

  11. Egads! You're right- Mina Harker


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