
Saturday, June 11, 2011


Poetry reading today at 10:00 a.m. downtown on the square, at the McLean County Museum of History, with the Farmers Market going on outside.  Hoping to get some more green onions and green onion Ropp cheese! And all perennials will call to me, I know. The yellow poppy I got a couple weeks ago is blooming again!

My poetry workshop is reading work on the theme of "Planting Ourselves in McLean County," poems about being planted here ourselves, or what we can plant in our own back yards, for beauty or food, or what has been planted in fields all around, now or in history. Also farm tools, birds nesting, and a Civil War soldier. It all connects to the museum exhibits or the Farmers Market in obvious or subtle ways....

Last night I saw the 10-Minute Play Festival at Heartland Theatre, an annual event, celebrating its anniversary on the back porch.  It started on the front porch 10 years ago. You can read more about it here in Julie Kistler's fabulous blog, A Follow Spot.


  1. Your workshop theme sounds interesting.

    Have a great read and enjoy the cheese and onions.

  2. Thanks, Maureen. Yes, we do lots of fun stuff!

  3. Wish I had been there! I made a trip to Target to ride the motorized cart. I believe this is my third trip out of the house since the foot thing. 1) Scott took me through the drive-through at Dairy Queen and 2) I went to the Back Porch plays dress rehearsal. I will be interested to hear what you think...

  4. Have a great reading! --from here on the west coast when it is already over.

  5. You have got a lot going on, don't you?

    We have a very popular ten minute play festival here in Santa Cruz too, though I've never been. I like the porch as stage idea a lot.

  6. Love the combo of poems and a farmers market!

  7. Seana, we were just talking about the Santa Cruz 10-minute play festival! My brother's family attends!

    Collagemama, sometimes poets sell their books at the Farmers Market, too, as it has an Arts Alley!


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