
Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Geography of Bliss

I got a couple boxes in the mail yesterday from Amazon, one containing The Geography of Bliss, by Eric Weiner, "a self-described mope," which is our next book-group choice and does look like something we'll all enjoy.

It's subtitled One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World, and I do love to be made to laugh by grumpy people! And, as Liz Lemon would say, "I want to go there."

Maybe not on a paper airplane, though. Oh, yes, indeed on a paper airplane. The book!

Anyhoo, Phyllis, your book is here. You owe me $5.46.

The other box had a fall leaf stuck to it, by way of spider silk, and a gigantic (pregnant?) spider, who ran off under my desk (to have babies?) after dropping gently to the floor on her own strand. She was too fast for me to rescue and take back outside to the mailbox. Sigh...but I'll keep an eye out for her and see if I can try again. I'm pretty sure she wants to go there.


  1. Yikes! Big spidey!

    That book looks great...

  2. It was a big book here in Santa Cruz when it first came out. I haven't read it, though.

    Too grumpy.

  3. Not a NOT TITLE...hurrah! Oh Joy, Rapture, Bliss!

  4. Hi Sis,

    Been enjoying your blog all month. I'm enduring a year of NOT BUYING A SINGLE BOOK, and enjoying forgotten treasures on our shelves and the good graces of friends...

    Love you and wondering how VBall went this weekend...




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