
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Not Cleaning House

Today I am not cleaning house, and not just because it's Slattern Day.

I'm going to my daughter's all-day Intercity Volleyball tournament, and my son is coming home on the train for a  weekend visit. So there will be fun and family wamily time, and I will clean house later. (Meanwhile, toilet paper is still dripping bit by bit from the trees.)

It has not been a good week, and not just for me. So many people I met with this week, in real life and in cyberspace, had a lousy week. Sigh. Barometric pressure? Anyhoo, now that Fall has come, maybe we will all find release, like the leaves (and toilet paper) falling from the trees.

A new week starts tomorrow, which I hope will end the week of "Not..." in this blog.

That's me, above, not cleaning house in my hot pink gloves.
It's a production photo from The Clean House, by Sarah Ruhl, at Heartland Theatre. And here's the whole cast, which includes my mom and sister! Yes, family wamily!


  1. Memories of a wonderful Heartland Theater production!

  2. Kathleen- How joyous you look! Gloves off and toilet paper in the trees... there's been good mischief in your neck of the woods--an excellent way to ring in the new season!

  3. That production looks like great fun!

  4. Library Journal needs book reviewers. Shovel-ready job for you!

  5. Loos like your week of seot 19 to 24 was kind of a notty week.

  6. Humor from a wise man! Yes, a notty week for a nutty girl.

  7. I always wondered what was with that red-handed photo. And here I thought you were making blood sausage!

    I had a great, wonderful, luminous week myself. Probably stole everybody else's good luck. {sorry.. … . )

  8. Cathy, oh I am so glad you had a good week! I am glad you got my good luck!


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