
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bravo, Farewell

This beautiful magazine, the fall issue of Confrontation, arrived in the mail this morning, with a poem of mine in it. For that honor, I give thanks. The cover art is a detail from a painting by Claudio Bravo, called Red, Rose and Orange Paper, courtesy of the Marborough Gallery in New York. Bravo's art is featured inside as well in a color portfolio at the center of the magazine, beautifully done.

Alas, Bravo died this summer in Morocco, where he made his home. He was Chilean, and his work was shown all over the world. I am glad he had a long life, and that his art had come to this "crescendo," as Edward J. Sullivan puts it in his essay in Confrontation.

I look forward now to reading the poems and stories in this issue! So far I have allowed myself the prizewinning poem by Zoe Donaldson, "Nonesuch," a gentle elegy and a villanelle.

I will also allow myself some pumpkin bread this morning, as I have baked loaves for Thanks-giving gatherings and an extra loaf for us to eat now, and some pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting...but those are to take to Phyllis, home from surgery and rehabilitation just in time for the holiday.


  1. congrats! and i feel thanks-giving all over your blog these days. my favorite stretch of the year and i am glad to read your kids are with you. and wow, that bread! wish we were neighbors. many silent blessings to you.


  2. Thank you, Sherry! It's somebody else's actual bread, but mine looks just like it.

  3. Thanks for the visit, and the Philly-sitting. She LOVED the muffins!

  4. Sounds like a great day. Congrats on the placement of the poem.

  5. That's wonderful. Congrats and enjoy.

    Enjoy the pumpkin bread too...mmmm....

  6. Hope you had a good holiday with your family.
    That cover is lovely - congrats on publishing in the issue. It looks like we will be in Umbrella together ... smile.

  7. Yes, I am delighted about that, Sarah!


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