
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks and Praise

I wake early. Unless I stayed up too late watching the Star Trek movie with my kids. Then I might loll in bed for a half hour, awake but pondering life. I love when I wake in joy. Waking in anxiety, or in nothingness, tends to happen at 3:00, or 3:03, or 3:06. An excellent time to read a book. But, hey, what isn't an excellent time to read a book?

This morning I woke remembering to post Poems of Thanks and Praise over at Escape Into Life, a mini-anthology of lovely poems by 4 poets whose names link to their solo features there. It has gorgeous art by Christy Lee Rogers, reminding us of the glory and beauty of the human body and the eternal dance. Of the swirls of water and air and color everywhere in our lives. And the darkness always in the background.

And there is a quiet political statement in the center of her feature in a piece called The Promise that seems terribly pertinent this particular Thanksgiving in America, when many are hungry and suffering, or fearful and uncertain; when many are actively protesting injustice; when many are still not seeing or solving the problem; when a few keep a brutal hold on the money, power, and status quo. I'd like to see us instead come together in a feast of thanksgiving and peace. But I see that the promise holds the shape of a V, as for Victory, and remains open to interpretation.

Please enjoy the poems of thanks and praise of Susan Rich, Richard Jones, Maureen E. Doallas, and Robert Lee Brewer, and escape into your beautiful life.


  1. Wonderfully collected and presented--what beautiful words and images!!

  2. Kathy, Thank you for your wonderful insight. We should all be very thankful for what we have this year.

    I am also known as Ellen, though for some reason I cannot post with my real name. No, I'm not on a WANTED list.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Thanks, Ellen, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your whole family wamily!

  4. One of the things I especially appreciate about EIL is the amazing art, and today's complements the feature so beautifully. Thank you!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving from more of Ellen Kimmel's family. Did the red monster in Star Trek scare the be-jeebies out of you? (I saw it in the theater, by myself, and almost peed my pants when it appeared against the driven snow.) Did you ever go to see Tree of Life? Inquiring minds want to know....

  6. Well, I said I would come and visit you when I finished my page proofs, but as they seem endless I am coming by to wave and wish you a good Thanksgiving...

    I only know one of those poets and shall take a look.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!