
Monday, February 6, 2012

Imaginary Playlist

The truth is I woke very early, in the dark, oddly anxious. I knew there'd be no going back to sleep, and there wasn't, just looking at things that can be seen in the dark.

Those moments of brief falling...into weird dream images, a woven grindstone...but no sleep.

Drove my daughter to school in the freezing fog (watch out on the sidewalk), frost on all the grasses. Said goodbye to my son on the train platform.

Yes, it's a Blue Monday.

Imaginary playlist: Whatever my daughter was listening to on her iPod. I asked but I could not keep track of the answer.


  1. It is pouring rain here (not our rainy season so most strange) and humid and summery. I feel unsettled, and yes, blue, too. I would rather be home, baking scones and having tea!

  2. I just read your "turning point" and "roads not taken" post and connected. Also connected on the electrifying modern dance!

  3. Hope your day gets less anxious--that's how I felt the other day.

  4. Stepped out at 4am to let my two kids out, having to go out with them because sightings of coyote(s)have been reported here in northern and Indiana/southern Michigan. Barefoot on the frosted grassblades (carefully avoiding poopy mines),the shimmering of the outside nightlights through the fog and vaporous mist, still in a nebulous dream state, presented me with anxious feeling, also.

    In reaching into your world, I also have this subtle almost disquieting human intuitive feeling that 'something' is amidst the mist.

    Buenos dias!

  5. Yikes!

    To some extent, I've been dealing with anxiety all of my life, but it got substantially worse and then gradually got better during/right after adolescence. Music helps. So does walking, writing, and accepting myself.

  6. Thank you, Emily, and all!

    I am OK with being blue sometimes. It is a rhythm of life. I'm sure our anxious feelings come along to help us, to keep us awake. Awake inside, not just at night.

    Thank you.

  7. Full moon nears, I believe. Rhythms of life and of the universe interwoven.

  8. Ah, yes, you are so right, Kim. The universe gets me every time.

  9. You will get some good poems out of these tense moments, I think, my anxious friends. You're halfway there already.

  10. Or actually... there's still time for you to harvest a short story out of them. Details HERE.

  11. Thanks, Seana! Yes, tense moments + full moon + coyote (or other character) could = poem (or short story!)

  12. Cool!

    Deadline = 2/12
    Theme = Unsettled
    Word limit = 1500 words

    Go for it!

  13. That's about the size of it. I have an unsettling moment myself, but I don't know if I can work it up to a story.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!