
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weaving Us Together

OK, so the Super Bowl is today, but that didn't prevent my poetry students from coming to our afternoon workshop. Church was about Love 146, an organization that is fighting the contemporary slave trade in sex workers, particular the enslavement of children.

I had already been thinking about this, specifically in regard to the Super Bowl, because of the Sisters of St. Joseph, who have been working to stop sex trafficking and focusing specifically on the Super Bowl "market" for this "trade." My thanks to the hotel chains who are on the alert for sex traffickers and who have trained their staff to spot possible traffickers and their customers and to offer help to potential victims.

As Pastor Bob said, quoting Yehunda Bauer, "[A]bove all, thou shalt not be a bystander."

To weave in poetry, I read two great blog entries this week on the kind of poems that successfully weave together disparate ideas. See Donna Vorreyer's "Poetry Mixtape #6" and Grace Curtis's "Polyptych in Poetry" for sample poems, explication, and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. The first time I witnessed an enthusiastic following of football was at Tims' and Chris' house during Thanksgiving. It still confounds me.


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