
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Greening of the Prairie

I think stuff in my garden grew 4 inches in the past 2 days, and a bunch more stuff is suddenly about to bloom, or suddenly did, like the forsythia. It's still warm and soft today, but now overcast, which might make for a more pleasant walk or ride in the St. Patrick's Day parade about to start soon.

I just visited the opening of the Irish history exhibit at the McLean County Museum of History, called The Greening of the Prairie: Irish Immigration and Settlement in McLean County. Wonderful fun, with some folk music by the Old Men Boys going on, too!

And this, of course, is a baby leprechaun who has been circulating on Facebook. Happy St. Patrick's Day.


  1. We just a thunderstorm here, but now it's simply overcast, too.

  2. We had a sunny afternoon, after all, but now...maybe our predicted rain is coming, too....?

  3. I wonder if that baby can grant wishes?

    That's cool about the Irish immigrant exhibit. My dad's family probably had a similar experience up near Waukegan in Lake County, Illinois.


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