
Friday, March 16, 2012

Pink Slash

The sun rising was a pink slash in the east as I drove my daughter to school today, and behind me as I drove home listening to one of NPR's stories on "pink slime," or "lean finely textured beef," the ooey gooey stuff separated from fat that has been used in fast-food burgers and school lunches but is now coming under protest. It's probably in grocery store beef, too, but how would you know, as it's not required to be labeled...

One problem with it is that it can contain E coli, but fear not, as it's treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill that. Not the same stuff you use to clean your kitchen, but still...a gas. It's all so gross, I am glad I continue to avoid red meat and to share my lettuce, celery, and apples with the rabbits and squirrels in the back yard. Whom I also do not plan to eat.

I'm also cranky about mean-spirited, racist bumper stickers I've been seeing around town and on Facebook. Oh, have we forgotten our own past and our own hearts?

I Love This Rabbit by Mo Conlon in the EIL Store.


  1. I'm very cranky about those bumper stickers, too, and a number of racist images passing as jokes...

    (One of my word verifications is "youtude"---you know, a youtube video with a 'tude.)

  2. "Youtude." That's priceless.

    Double fab rabbit!!

  3. I am happy to say I have seen no such bumper stickers.

    I love the rabbit, but I have to say that all the sudden knowledge that red meat is bad for you has just brought out the worst in me.

    It's kind of like what happened when I lived with vegetarian housemates in college for a year. I seemed to end up at Burger King a lot that year.

    I have a contrarian spirit.

  4. Ah, Seana, then you would probably love Bright-Sided, by Barbara Ehrenreich!! She's a hilarious & smart contrarian.


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