
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jumping for Joy

First day of spring joy. Imaginary soundtrack: "Jump (For My Love)" as sung by the Pointer Sisters. Outside all day + watched 8th grade volleyball this evening. Some local girls came in 2nd (yay!) and the champs were a marvelous team. And they could jump!

Took a long walk with Ron Hardy, a poet I first met online and featured at Escape Into Life! Now, as it happens, I can walk the hiking trail with him and sit in my own back yard with him as we are pelted by viburnum blossoms!

Congrats to Jeannine Hall Gailey for being the featured poet in IthacaLit, and congrats to the editors for the Spring issue, just out on the first day of spring! By chance, I read Jeannine's book She Returns to the Floating World this afternoon, as more viburnum petals floated down around me on the breeze.


  1. Kathleen, I love this. Such enthusiasm! Hard to keep it contained on such a beautiful spring day--and so much to enthuse about!

    Happy spring!

    Will be following your links... ;)

  2. Need scratch & sniff for blogging blossoms.

  3. "Jump!" is one of those songs that lights me up no matter what's going on. Great theme song for the volleyball team ... and for spring! But I am a little worried about all this heat so early. Trying to prepare myself for a hot summer. Hopefully the gorgeous viburnum and I won't wilt.

  4. That "Jump" song has the same effect on me! (But, alas, does not improve my own volleyball abilities.)

    Yes, that worry about the heat was part of our conversation, re: global warming. It will be a new world, a new life for our children and grandchildren. I hope we adjust to what is inevitable and change our practices to do no worse harm, correct what we can.

    Nancy, scratch & sniff might be next, eh, via the iNose.

  5. Blossomy and lovely outside. I hope spring lasts this year!

  6. Thank you Kathleen! I hope the book provided some good spring company :)

  7. Hannah, I have walked through your town on a blossomy, balmy, early spring day like this one!

    Jeannine, yes! And I'll be reviewing it for Galatea Resurrects! Thanks for the heads-up on that!

    Maureen, thanks! You, too! Let's all celebrate! I'll be attending a reading and participating in a reading to celebrate!!

  8. i love the way you blend so many worlds. coming here heightens all my senses.


    and yes, isn't jeannine's work wonderful!

  9. Thanks, Sherry, and thanks for coming here.


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