
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

World Poetry Day

It's World Poetry Day! According to the United Nations and Wikipedia. I cele-brated by getting my teeth cleaned. Really.

But tonight I will celebrate by attending a reading by poet Denise Duhamel and participating in a Homerathon--that is, a marathon reading of Homer's epic, The Odyssey.

As I understand it, some people will be reading it aloud in Greek. I will be reading an English translation. At 4:14-4:30 a.m.  Yes. A.M. I frequently wake up at 3:ish a.m., so this will give me something classy to do at that hour.

Both of these fine poetry events take place on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University. Once again, it's wonderful to live in a two-university town (twin cities).

Now I am going out to celebrate World Poetry Day by 1) writing a poem (I hope) 2) raking up sweetgumballs 3) continuing to be pelted by fragrant white blossoms 4) communing with the rabbits, as a jillion of them are out there hopping and eating.

I hope they are not eating off the tiny blossoms of bleeding heart just about to open....


  1. I envy you for this wondrous early morning and the bomardment of of the fragrance of white blossoms of which all the way up north I share the wafts. Rabbits, you have not seen rabbits untill you've seen the 'monster' rabbits that scurried from underneath our conifer yesterday morning. By two mini-poodles weigh around twelve to fourteen pounds and these hares were at least that size. Scarrrrrry!

    Have a wonderful time.

    Tu amigo, Yo

  2. I love it and wish I were there for the Homer Marathon. Hope the participants get Gatorade.

  3. Coffee, tea, water, and cookies. I was just there, and heard sections read in German, French, and English, with a different English translation simultaneous on a screen. I'll go back at 4.

    Denise Duhamel was charming and funny.

    The buildings were diagonal from each other, across a walkway, on this beautiful balmy evening. Made me want to be on a small campus again.

    Hmm, "You must change your life...."


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!