
Sunday, April 8, 2012

4 Eggs

Happy Easter, or whatever you do today, a pretty blue sky Sunday here. There are 4 eggs in the house wrens' nest. I have learned that when I go into the shed, where the house wrens built their nest in a bucket, if I turn my head away and just get the trowel or clippers off the hook, the mother will stay on her nest. If I have to face her, to retrieve the garden gloves or seed starters, she flies up and waits till I am gone to return. So I turn away, to spare her the worry and sudden flight.

Getting kicked off the Internet lately, so I will be brief and hope for the best. I don't know what we've done to cause this intermittent problem...this time.

Still keeping up with the poem-a-day in April. Today's local prompt is rupture/rapture.

Still keeping up with the 100 Rejections tally. An acceptance today! But recent rejections, too. Here's where I stand: Since Jan. 1, 29 sent, 8 acceptances, 5 rejections, 14 pending.  Since Sept. 1, 75 sent, 21 acceptances, 30 rejections, 24 pending. I hope it all adds up. If not, there will be another origami brain explosion, this time from math challenge.


  1. Yay for eggs in the nest. It's so funny how not making eye contact makes all the difference. That bird is lucky to have you!

  2. The wren who came to our house to live would go into the garage to take stuff to build a nest with.
    I was standing in the doorway one day and it lit on my shoulder. Once I turm my head to see what it was ir flew off.

  3. Wrens in a bucket! Very cool. When I went in my shed a bundle of bungee cords fell off the shelf and got hung up on all the tomato cages, bike spokes, milk crate full of car wash supplies, the patio umbrella, old kite, and set of golf clubs. Can you spell "UNTANGLE"?

  4. Birds are amazing.

    I can see a bird using tangled bungee cords as start for a nest. Trapeze birds, circus birds....

  5. Reminds me of the pigeons that would make a nest in the little nook that was on the balcony of the apartment I used to live in. My mother would feed them bread crumbs. :)


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