
Monday, April 9, 2012

Internet Connectivity

Alas! I am having internet connectivity problems because:

1) My origami brain does not fold that way
2) I can't get help on the Internet when I am kicked off the Internet
3) I will be kicked off in a few more minutes
4) It is Blue Monday in the blog

Wasn't it convenient for the Internet to give me problems on a Blue Monday?


Of course they started yesterday.

Fortunately, the local April poem-a-day prompt is "the idea of the negative."


  1. *insert "I Hate Mondays and Mondays hate me"*

    I have to love how some of the advice to help get back on the internet involves having to use in the internet. Much like a dog chasing its tail. :P

    -Barb the French Bean

  2. Voila! + Wahoo! = Voiloo!

    I am Internet Connected!

    I say that now, hoping not to get kicked off. But I gently unfolded important areas of my brain in order to understand something, and spoke to 3 human beans about, and voiloo!

  3. I was going to say, if it's any consolation, I have been having the same type of issue, and feel your blues. Mine seems resolved now too, and so we can be happy together.

  4. On rare occasions, my internet has disappeared on me. Not kicked me off, just disappeared. Probably something to do with my internet router (modern modem). *shrugs*

  5. Oh, Maureen, you made me giggle!

  6. grr...hopefully it is fixed for you. I like to amuse myself when I can't connect online by looking at all the names of available networks (they are ridiculous!). There was one I always used to see called "SEXY REXY." Hm...

  7. Happy to see you're up and running again. Your PAD prompt must've wanted some extra time from you today. ;)

  8. I would be afraid to click on SEXY REXY's network.

    Yes, I went outside to write my poem, Andee. Oddly, it's about bowling and weeping.

  9. It sounds like a Cranky Doodle Dandy to me. Good luck with technology...

  10. Ack! Yes, it was an excellent chance for a Cranky Doodle Day, and I missed it!


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