
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Big Poetry Giveaway 2012

Happy National Poetry Month! I'm participating, with a lot of other poet-bloggers, in the Big Poetry Giveaway organized by Kelli Russell Agodon. Each year she encourages poets to give away 2 books of poetry, and you can read her guidelines here and check out the books she is giving away here!

I am giving away an extra copy of Ballistics, by Billy Collins, and my new chapbook, Nocturnes, just out from Hyacinth Girl Press. If you want to win them, leave a comment on this blog and some safe version of your email address [spell out "dot" and "at" to avoid spam] and I will contact you in early May, and ask for your address if you are the name I pull out of the hat. Or little green basket.

If I have another duplicate of something by then--book or journal--I will throw that into the package, too!

I love to read: short stories, novels, poetry, essays, memoir & biography, nonfiction, especially science and history. A book I want to read that I haven't got from the library yet is All the Devils Are Here. Another book I hope to read this summer is The Art of Fielding. Baseball novel. Ish.

I love to read and write outside, at a picnic table in the back yard. But I can read and write anywhere and everywhere, if I bring a book, a notebook, and some pens or pencils.

I'll be drafting a poem a day in April, with a poetry workshop I teach and another group I know online. It's an intense thing to do, but I love doing it because I always end up with a bunch of stuff that gets revised into real poems! And sometimes a few "gift" poems, those that fall out whole by grace!

If you are writing a poem a day, too, have fun! If you want to participate in the giveaway by giving books away, click on Kelli's guidelines! If you want a chance to receive these books, leave a comment below with your email. If you just want to comment, that's fine, too! Always happy to hear from you.


  1. Good luck with your PAD! I'll cheer you on from the sidelines as April is chock-full of work duties rather than poetry time.

    As for the giveaway...yes please! I just got Nocturnes in the mail, but if I win it, I'll be glad to pass it on to another poetry lover!

  2. Yippee, Sandy! Thanks. Your name has gone on a little slip of recycled paper into a lovely Easter basket, this year's Big Poetry Giveaway receptacle. Great for you to continue to give away (!) if your name is drawn.

    Also, you know I have your email address, for anyone else who knows I do, it'll be sufficient to leave a comment. If I don't have your email, please leave it.

    OR leave your comment. And send another comment with your contact info, and I won't publish that one, but will record the info. OK?!

  3. Hmm, my comment contains a run-on sentence, but I think you all got my meaning.

    I blame my brain. And my bifocals.

  4. April: what a perfect month for poetry, when we all begin to wake up and see things again, not just look at them. My son is a great fan of Billy Collins, we'd both love to have more poetry books. LizHopkinatgmaildotcom.

  5. Liz, you are in the basket! Happy Poetry Month to you and your son!

  6. Would be delighted to have my name dropped into your basket.

  7. Would love to be entered. Thanks!
    Jessica Goodfellow

  8. Nice to meet you, Kathleen!

    Allyson Whipple

  9. yay for poetry giveaways! i'm doing one on my blog too
    thisquiethour AT gmail DOT com

  10. Count me in!

    Tara Mae Mulroy

  11. Your 'run ons' are wonderfully acceptable. Good luck with the 'poem a day for April' my birthday month, woo hoo!
    ml_arellano at comcast dot net

  12. Hi Kathleen, Happy National Poetry Month! It's great to meet you. I'd love to be considered in the giveaway for your book. Sincerely, Theresa (theresamacnaughtonatgmaildotcom)

  13. Would love to enter! I am having a free giveaway at my blog as well!

  14. Tawnysha, you are in, and thanks for being a part of the giveaway yourself.

  15. Hi Kathleen. Please add me to your drawing - thanks! And happy poetry month.

  16. Please add my name to the basket!


  17. I'd love to be included! Thanks!!

  18. I'd love to be added to your draw
    Barbara Young

  19. Thanks for doing this giveaway! :) If I win, my email is grigory99 at yahoo dot com

    *crosses fingers*

  20. Grigory, you are safely in the basket.

  21. Please add my name, too, Kathleen!

    Deb Scott


  22. Thanks, Deb. You are in the basket!

  23. Hooray! I'm also giving away on my blog,

    My email is molly (dot) sutton (dot) kiefer (at) gmail (the rest)


  24. Thanks for doing this!

    Andrew Ty
    eldritch00 at gmail dot com

  25. Please count me in! Thanks, Nandini

  26. I'd like to enter.

    Stephen S. Mills


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!