
Monday, April 2, 2012

Wild Violets

Lovely weekend: my dad turned 80, some family wamily arrived for that, and wild violets have bloomed in the lawn. Family wamily arriving means family wamily departing, too, by car (sister back to Ohio on Sunday) or train (son back to college this morning), so it's also a bit of a Blue Monday in the blog.

So, as this blog/book (by Kathryn Hall) advises, Plant Whatever Brings You Joy.

Wild violets is also the prompt for today for my poetry workshop, in the April poem-a-day adventure that is National Poetry Month. I've written mine! And yesterday's...yesterday.

Imaginary soundtrack:  "Yesterday" by The Beatles.


  1. Oh Happy Birthday to your dad. Glad the family was able to get together.

  2. Plant whatever brings you joy....that is some great advice, Kathleen.

  3. I like it, too. Can't take credit for it, just for passing it along!!

  4. Violets! Oh, how I miss seeing wild violets. :D

    -Barb the French Bean

  5. Kathryn/plantwhateverbringsyoujoy.comApril 11, 2012 at 10:35 AM

    Hi, Kathleen, Thank you for link back to my blog and mention of my book. Glad you liked the violet post. It's been the most viewed post in the history of my blog. There are a LOT of wild violet fans out there, usually with strong ties to their past memories for some reason. Kathryn xoxo


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