
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Interfaith Amigos

I got to hear these guys at church this morning: the Interfaith Amigos: Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon, and Imam Jamal Rahman.

Handsome, funny, compassionate, and wise guys. Really! Wise guys! Very funny.

Rabbi Ted changed the Golden Rule to the Golden Reality. Yay!

Imam Jamal quoted Rumi. Yay!

And, holy moly, Pastor Ted has a country music band and has sung at the Grand Old Opry! Who gnu?!

I have labeled this a Cranky Doodle Day not because I was at all cranky but because these guys have overcome the crankiness that separates them with good humor, compassion, and non-crankiness!


  1. You gotta love and appreciate guys like these. :)

    -Barb the French Bean

  2. It was great to see them interact--patience, friendship, and compassion in action.

  3. That must have been quite a gathering - inspiring. I hope to hear more, Kathleen. I just finished a part of "Socrates In Love" where he is in Toronto visiting with Muslim students who talk about umma and how to manifest this spiritual ideal in relation to others' religious beliefs. And then he visits Northern Ireland and talks to Catholic and Protestant families in Belfast who come together at Easter, despite opposition from family, friends, and neighbors who continue to carry hatred. Quite moving. Thank you for an uplifting peek on a Monday morning.

  4. Thanks, Lin. The Interfaith Amigos were in town for the weekend--a daytime workshop, an evening lecture, and visits to local services, so I got to see them on Sunday morning. Others in town had the full immersion, uh, so to speak!


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