
Saturday, April 14, 2012

One More

OK, here is one more depiction of Salome, which may end this little run of blog posts on that topic, for now, anyway.

In literature, art, and culture, Salome keeps coming back. But isn't this one, by Henri Regnault, perfect for Slattern Day?!

I see she has not yet acquired her disarticulated head. But she's got her dish and dagger ready.


  1. Your Salome posts are cracking me up--pretty interesting stuff! Are you working on any Salome poems? You should!!

  2. Oh, you are so right, Hannah. I should go after Salome in poetry now!

  3. Ack, I just remembered that my husband often paints women disarticulated from their heads. And/or limbs.

    You'd think that would be hard to forget.

    See the cover of my book Selected Roles (scroll down on right) for one of his paintings of such.

  4. Thanks for the Salome fun in dysfunction. I'm remembering the Dallas Opera's dress rehearsal of the Richard Strauss "Salome". The diva wasn't getting the concept, so the choreographer had to show her how the dance should be done!

  5. Ha! I read that in opera versions, the Dance of the Seven Veils depends a lot on the shape of the opera singer.

  6. Isn't that Linda Ronstadt circa 1972?

  7. This has been quite enjoyable. A great idea for blog posts! And yes, she does look like Linda Ronstadt!

    A couple of years ago I recall being knocked off my feet by this painting at the Met. It is large and looms above you as you stand agape. All that black hair and gold is mesmerizing.

  8. Ruth, that's neato that you saw this Salome up close.

  9. She knows how to flaunt... Yes, I also think that you should venture to Salome poems!

  10. Thank you, Marly. I do like that idea!!


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