
Friday, June 15, 2012


This morning the neighbor's hunting dog Abby (2 feet long, 1 foot high at the tip top of her ears), poked her nose down a rabbit hole and pulled up a baby rabbit. There was outcry and weeping + human and animal empathy.

A little while later, we figured out we could tuck the tiny (week old?), apparently uninjured rabbit back in its burrow (latex glove), cover it with dry grass and rabbit fur, see it snuggle in with siblings, and wait for the mother, who had been hanging around for an opportunity, to come back.

We also blocked a hole in the fence with bricks so Abby the Tiny Hunter would not come into our yard, poop, and gleefully escape into other yards through other openings to randomly hunt the neighbors' rabbits. We knew exactly where she tends to get into this yard because she had left one of her (hated) hair bows, a tiny blue and white one, at the spot.

This afternoon and this evening, I am indeed going to theatre, Heartland Theatre, to make theme of the day, Drama, complete. Young at Heartland, the senior acting troupe, this afternoon, and the 10-Minute Plays tonight, if they have room.

I will be wearing the same dramatic theatre-going outfit to both plays: wild jungle floral print dress (from Goodwill via Kim!), floral Chinese slippers, and 3D zebras in my ears.

And, to make it a true Random Coinciday, that's the Salade Nicoise with local greens I fed my mom yesterday. (Photo credit: my daughter).


  1. glad the little bunny wasn't eaten. theatre with a fitting flair sounds wonderful.

  2. so that's where the crowd that marched off the 100 ft long tour bus was headed. I was sitting at the Hound writing and drinking iced coffee. Aw shoot! The driver(who apparently had a seat for the drama) actually parallel parked that bus.

  3. Oh Hardy! You were in front of Theaterscool, not Heartland. Silly out-of-towner robot.

  4. Thanks, Kim. I thought maybe he was at the other Hound, and a bunch of people went into the Normal Theatre.

  5. Please notice the lack of yolk (or only traces of yolk) in the hard-boiled egg. And it's cholesterol-free mayo, made with canola oil (which might have other issues, but pooey).

  6. And those are almonds in the green beans, not brown beans, which, to quote one of this afternoon's short plays, would be "too many beans."

  7. Bunnies and drama and salad, oh my!

  8. You make me laugh! Since the bunny is OK. The mom, or was it the dad (?), was lounging in my yard today, flat on his/her belly. With a bit out of his/her ear.

  9. Yes I am an out of towner. But actually it wasn't me who wrote the inexplicable comment. I was inside a crow at the time I wrote that. It's what happens sometimes when I try to write.

  10. Oooh, cool. I think. Or...caw.

  11. high drama, indeed! glad that rabbit lived. I hope the hair bow was destroyed.

  12. Yes, I think...or it's hair bow compost.


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