
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Make It So

Today is Captain Picard Day. "Make it so." Yes, I have a lingering crush on Captain Jean-Luc Picard, so it is surging up today. And enough of a lingering crush on Patrick Stewart that I am an X-Men fan (aided by my crush on Wolverine) and actually own an educational video of him playing Jean in Miss Julie.

My crush on Captain Picard is played out in a poem/daydream in this fabulous anthology, Make It So, available from Prime Directive Press, an imprint of Hyacinth Girl Press. I'm sure I have mentioned this before. That's how crushes go.

It is also Bloomsday, which people are celebrating all over the world in formal and less formal ways--for instance, here in Kristin Berkey-Abbott's blog, where she is also thinking about Dubliners.

And a friend is making it so by getting married today.

Me, I am trying to catch up on or move forward on various things today, but only in a vague, slatternly way, because it is also Slattern Day.

White hyacinths thanks to Wikipedia and GNU Free Documentation License.


  1. I thought Picard+hyacinth had googlewhack potential. Instead magining the 70 year old woman living in Canada in 1852...

  2. This is Jean Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise. Yes, I know it looks like it's from the blog of Ensign Kim J Kimmel but really it's me. Thank you for having a crush on me. You rock!

    (Now I hope I can prove I am not a hologram...)

  3. A poet AND a Star Trek fan. Can it get any better?

  4. Which reminds me of a book review I read yesterday for "A Hologram for the King", by Dave Eggers. Sounds promising.

  5. I am late in saying thanks for the mention of my blog in your blog--but working on the better late than never theory: thanks!

  6. Lovely to hear from you again Jean-Luc!

    Bethany, see above!!

    Nancy, thank you!

    Kristin, you're welcome!


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