
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dry Creekbed

Sugar Creek is dry. I passed the dry creekbed on the way to the Farmers Market, where I got mixed greens for dinner, 3 fabulous zucchini, snowpeas, and glorious mini-scones from a local kitchen--literally, a kitchen!--called Ticklepenny Corner, and heard some live folk music.

The Ticklepenny women will only be selling at the Farmers Market. I also saw Trish the pie lady, to say hello, but did not buy a pie.  (I was walking...but there were mini-pies, but I thought I should support the new Ticklepenny ladies.  Anyhoo...I will get a pie from Trish another day.) Sweet brief conversation with the man buying a strawberry rhubarb pie, the kind his wife used to make, but "she's no longer with us." He was tempted to buy a mini sour cream apple pie, a snack for the ride home, but, in the scheme of things, it was too expensive. The giant strawberry rhubarb pie was a better bargain. With added nostalgia.

The greens woman said, "We're not certified organic, because I don't like the organic chemicals and the $1500 fee.  Chemicals are chemicals. We don't put anything on them." Just like me. So I washed them, and we ate them. The greens, chemical-free.

Meanwhile, I have been feeding the baby and teenage, my greens, the lupine I planted from seed. Everything had been coming up so nicely but sometimes disappearing. So I put up a little wire fence. Keeps the big fat rabbits out just fine. But lets in the little ones, who are not a weensy bit scared of me when I approach with a watering can.

They don't touch the balsam, though. So, for next year, and every year after, since they are sturdy perennials, balsam it is.


  1. Have you found a little blue jacket and some small shoes in your garden?

  2. I've been thinking of Peter. And how it all probably started....Beatrix was like me, looking...and a writer...and loved writing letters...but she was a better artist!

  3. I've been thinking of Peter. And how it all probably started....Beatrix was like me, looking...and a writer...and loved writing letters...but she was a better artist!

  4. I guess I never realized that, since we don't use chemicals on the garden, that we could call ourselves organic. I thought that's just how you garden!

  5. We are truly organic, yes, in using no chemicals.

    But, evidently, not "certified organic"...?!

  6. It is a sweet time, this early garden season. We went to the farmers market Saturday, which has become so populated and visited it is hard to find a parking spot in multiple lots. We went to eat at the food truck our son's fiancée now runs for her best friend, who is about to open a restaurant. Such good organic food, and some of it we are providing them! My husband's garlic scapes went into our breakfast panini.

    Oh, and our grandson ate his first solid food (a bit of rice cereal) in his Peter Rabbit bowl, given by moi. His mom and uncle ate from similar bowls, which became my cereal bowl until they broke.

    Thanks for the lovely connections that sprang from your beautiful writing.

  7. So if I don't take any "chemicals" I am not "certifiably insane?"

  8. Interesting connection there, Kim!

    Ruth, lovely to hear of these connections--and I indeed saw the garlic scapes at the market. She told me how to prepare them, but I figured I would mess up somehow and poison my family. So I stuck with snowpeas, which her daughter was eating.

    This morning an older and wiser Peter was sitting in the fenced off area eating the grass on the other side of the fence. Why, Peter? Why not just sit in the grass?! Maybe he likes fences. There was a bite out of his ear.


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