
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So There

New poetry feature up today at Escape Into Life, prose poems by Nicolette Wong, who has actually written a series of poems for Chris Al-Aswad, founding editor. Two are in the feature.

I'm tickled by the nearness of last names in the paired artist, Saana Wang, whose bed you see here, and window below. I paired them when I saw the photo of the little girl with white "doll" face; it strikes with and against "Hinamatsuri (The Doll's Festival)" like a sad gong.

Yesterday my husband pulled into the driveway, had a quick lunch, and was headed back to work when he saw the flat tire. Jacked up the car to relieve the burden on the wheel, took my car back to work, and attempted the repair later. Tire was shot. We were so lucky it didn't blow on the road to or from Chicago! So lucky it didn't spoil the day of college-campus and zoo visits! So lucky it didn't make us late for the surprise party! So lucky it didn't inconvenience the friends with whom we were staying. So lucky!

So on this hump of the week, we'll get a new tire.

And the mini-scones (Ticklepenny Corner, from yesterday's Farmers Market) were devoured by teenagers! This is good, as I am now keeping a food diary. I am making sure I eat healthy things by writing it down, inspired by my sister-in-law who said, "You think, 'Do I really want to write that down?'" (to show to the nutritionist, trainer, doctor, or self).

My doctor will probably look at it and say, "You do realize that coffee and wine don't really have that much nutritional value?"

And I'll say, "What about coconut M&Ms?"

Food diary thus far today: coffee, nectarine.

So there.


  1. Ooo, wonderful poems and art, as always. Thanks for the offerings, Kathleen & EIL.

    I had three white-fleshed nectarines on Monday. Now, I must go and find some more. I always forget how amazing they are until the new crop rolls around in June.

    Good luck with the nutrition diary.

  2. That poetry and those images: both so striking.

    Love the name "Ticklepenny Corner". Sounds like it belongs in a poem.

  3. Coffee has plenty of nutritional value--it helps your brain, it makes people nicer and more smiley, it prevents sleep. All excellent things :).

    I'm glad you caught the flat tire when you did!

  4. Thanks, you three, for reading here and there, and for commenting!

    Sandy, I saw white flesh nectarines at the store! I'm hoping they will go on sale!

    Maureen, yes! It turns out to be an emo/alterntive country band out of Wisconsin.

    Hannah, thank you for reminding me of the some of the many benefits of coffee, especially because I am having some coffee right now! And 6 coconut M&Ms. (I feel a duty to eat them, all, gradually, to get them out of the house!)

  5. Keeping a food diary is a great motivation toward better eating. I think it works best if you really believe someone else is going to read it.

  6. Anything you get at a farmer's market has added value, just for being more alive.

    You find the most haunting and beautiful photos--lovely!

  7. Oh, I love that, Cathy!--"more alive." Yes! Eating the last of the greens today with my mom, who also keeps a food diary.

    Nancy, if someone is really going to read it, maybe I should "spice it up," eh?!

  8. Food Confession would scare me a bit.

  9. You could always say 3 "Hail Mary"s. One per two M&MS...


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