
Saturday, June 30, 2012


The new issue of Glass: A Journal of Poetry is here, and I have a poem in it!

So does Sandy Longhorn, a poet and blogger I admire, and Garth Pavell, whose work I found and enjoyed in Leveler. 

And so many more! What an honor, what a thrill! This is a lovely online journal, and be sure to see the cover image of a house! Many thanks to editors Holly Burnside and Anthony Frame.

Thanks also to Mogens Engelund for this image of a window in Sweden (1742) with the glassblower's mark in the center. (Like a belly button. And this window is the Adam and/or Eve of glass production.) And thanks to Wikipedia for information on glass and windows. As my Glass contributor bio reveals, I've had a glass collection since seeing the play Glass Menagerie as a child.

I love glass, and I respect transparency.


  1. Lovely poem. So glad to be in the issue with you!

  2. Your poem has the right rhythm for the mass transit night observer. I'm looking forward to some late subway rides observing the human community on the platforms in the stations.

  3. Thanks, Nancy! Happy public transporting!

    Mogens Engelund, who likes to be emailed when people share his image, responded! He is glad to see the window here and likes the poem! Yay!

  4. Congrats on the poem! Very lovely...

  5. Thanks, Carol. I love this whole issue, and have admired the mission statement of Glass: A Journal of Poetry ever since I first saw it!

  6. Lovely poems, both of you! I confess that last nigyht I couldn't find them, because I missed the whole right hand column!

    Kathleen, you remind me that so much of our observation of each other is actually benign.

    Sandy, this thought about what may be written under the surface of things by some poet fascinates me.

  7. Congratulations, Kathleen. Wonderful poem. I love the picture too of the window!

  8. Thanks, dear ones! I am glad you like my poem and that you figured out the table of contents! Because the contents are wonderful to read and ponder!

  9. Seana, thanks for reading the poems and commenting on it. I'm glad it worked for you!

  10. super issue. you've set my evening just right.


  11. Thanks, Sherry, and I loved your piece in currency!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!